Sunday, November 26, 2006




There is something rather amusing about it though.
The thought of people stuck in the same boat.
Her name is "Fearful Jane",
(Silly name, but who expects a Boat of Fear to have a logical title?)

All the passengers with the same basic fears.
Scared of rejection.
A lack of trust.
Petrified of committment.
Worried of expectations.

The irony is simple however.
We create our own fears.
Feed them.
Then remain estranged to the only thing
that may truly make us happy.

We worry about the risks.
Stay lonely.
And damn determined,
not to let anyone tear down our walls.

These tired red walls we build.
Over the long years.
Each brick a reminder of some loss.
Some deception.
Some dormant fear.

(I wish we could at least have sexual relationships with these walls,
but most of us aren't quite attracted to objects...
That woman who had a relationship with the Berlin Wall seems pretty lucky right now.)

It reminds me of the sad fate of rabbits.
Rabbits are easily frightened.
Illogical in their panick.
If a rabbit is crossing a street,
and a car is coming towards it,
more often than not,
the rabbit will start running in front of the car.
This forces the car to follow it,
Increasing the risk of a rather disgusting death.

That's human nature in a nutshell.
Rather than being logical,
risking a little bit,
and possibly experiencing something decent for a change,
we make it a point to be run over and crushed brutally
by our very own, personalized, yet surprisingly unoriginal

So the question is simple,
shall we all continue this way?
Or risk a little bit?
regardless of my pained and determined decision,
I feel myself weakening.
I find myself considering working upwards,
rather than remaining in this Playgroud of Fears.

For those of you planning to remain in this Boat of Fear,
there's something you should ask now, before it's too late:
Does "Fearful Jane" at least have a minibar?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! thats life for you it gives you options but even the easiet option which could change your life for the good or bad is had to take. but i think the fear of a reapting senerio always outweighs that easy choice so it becomes even harder to open a bit. but sometimes trying and seeing what is out there can be worth the risk. but the question that arises is,is there really going to be something good out of it. so we see that is this questions that are filled in our mind that makes makes us no t take any risks. so do we hide this questions under the rug or just take things us they come? if i were to give an answer to my own question i have no answer hehhe

good art

27/11/06 20:30  

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