Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wilde Risks

"Illusion is the first of all pleasures."
(Quote by Oscar Wilde.)

Today's world is filled with risks.
Risks are the one thing I wish I could avoid.
At least today.

I spent this weekend in contemplation.
With a touch of worry.
Mild questioning.
A lack of trust.
And numerous smiles.

It's hard to trust oneself with certain decisions.
It would have been much easier if I was only concerned about trusting another.
Who knows what Tomorrow has to say about my life.
Who knows what Thoughts enter this confused mind of mine.
What if all my expectations are crushed?
Better yet, what expectations do I have?

I would have decided against the idea.
Just wondered at the possibility.
Enjoyed the Illusion.

If only these smiles didn't insist I take another step...
If only Pleasure could be continued with keeping this Illusion.


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