Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Travel Plans

I spent the past few minutes compiling a list of countries I have visited or lived in:

Bangalore, India (Place of birth)

Szczecin (primarily), Poland (6 years)
Berlin (primarily), Germany
Paris, France
Amsterdam, Holland
Lisbon, Portugal
Tennesee and Florida, USA
(New Delhi etc. India)

Vilnius (Primarily), Lithuania (4 years)
London, UK
Copenhagen, Denmark
California, USA
Bucharest, Romania
Tallinn, Estonia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Tenerife and Madrid, Spain
Rome, Italy
(New Delhi etc. India)

Göteborg and Jönköping (currently), Sweden
Various cities around Poland
Rhode Island, Greece
(New Delhi etc. India)

This is my list, as far as I can recollect.
(I have omitted multiple visits to certain countries, such as the UK, and rather short and seemingly irrelevant visits to others.)

I realize that as a child, I remember minimal ideas and thoughts from my travels.
The travelling increased severely while we lived in Lithuania though,
and at this point I travelled alone rather than with family quite a lot.
Finally, my recent travels have decreased severely.
I cannot decide
if this is caused by the lack of will
and general boredom related to the thought of travel,
or if it is just a lack of time due to the increasing workload.

regardless of this temporary decrease,
I find myself drawn to various countries.
I find I should list them along with my reason for the plausible visits
and check them off as they come along:

Fiji (Heat)
China (Communism is...difficult to comprehend)
Japan (Strict cultural ideaologies)
Egypt (The Sphinx, the pyramids, and civilization)
Canada (Social systems at its best)
Ireland (Irish accents)
Monaco (Riches)
Belgium (Capital of all Uniformity it seems)
Scotland (Kilts...)
Australia (Christmas on the beach: my ideal ideal)
Mauritius (Hot and beachy)
Switzerland (The Country of My Dreams)
Luxembourg (Exquisitely and wonderfully small)
New Zealand (Cows)
Easter Island (UFO or man-made statues, I ask you?)
Democratic Republic of Congo (Ifluenced by a V.S. Naipaul novel)

These are the countries I absolutely must visit.
Naturally, there are numerous others
that have grabbed my attention.
I suppose I must increase my travels soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

labas Aurora,

certainly u have a vast travelling experiences, and rich (not monetary term) ones too given the length of stay in each.

i always believe that the length of stay and people we are in touch with in each land will mark or break the life there etc. i think without people, each land is nothing that dis-similar...without a certain length of time of stay, nothing is learnt or felt.

i once heard from someone......sometimes some people hop around the world, gathering "new experiences", getting bored at a place and then move on to another place........she talked from spiritual point but come to think of it realistically....the latter not to entertaining opinions fit.

ofcourse there are also people who are forced to relocate because of work committments.

Happy new year to u!

28/12/06 03:21  
Blogger Aurora said...

To my Secretive Reader:

Laba diena!
I wish I knew who you were, since it seems you know my position related to travelling well. You seem to have at least seen me experience it.
I hope you read this note and take pity on my curious soul by informing me of who you are, and in case we have lost contact, also of your whereabouts!

28/12/06 19:48  

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