Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This is for the little girl who wrote the last little comment.
Alright, maybe it's for me since I have thoughts that choose not to surrender, so will be looked upon and shot tonight, as the disillusionment overwhelms me.

It all started with an entirely reasonable discussion, which led to my entirely confused self distroying all my future plans and rewriting them, thus possibly revoking all plausible romance.

The discussioned marriage.
That holy, sacred little moment that is meant to last at least "till death do us part," although I respectfully disagree and believe it to be silly to asume something "till death" considering there may be something past "death". (What is death in comparison to love, honestly?!)

Well, now the question arises, why should one marry?
Initially, I believed marriage to be a decision brought about by love. A decision that comes naturally to people wanting to express and share their love. This is probably what love and marriage used to look like before our generation appeared, in the lives of our grandparets and maybe even parents.
Today, marriage is a step before divorce. It is divorce that has become the celebration (of freedom, of single-life, of a lack of partners, of lonliness, suicide, etc.).
Ignore the drama, but let's be honest. The reality before today's marital status has one individual protecting themselves from their own partner. There is no more honest trust and even if there is, then definitely not when money is concerned.
Prenup's have become something considered necessary even. A couple of articles (ah, I even research that which I criticize) state that it is imperative to have a prenup since this is the only manner of protecting ones assets in the case of a divorce and this should be dealt with at least 30 days prior to the "big day" since otherwise, once the divorce is on its way, a late signed prenup may be considered forced. Oh, the horror!

Thus, all of this, has struck up a fabulous ideal within me. I shall never marry (which by default means I shall never have children). Not especially because I don't want to, but because today's definition of marriage does not, under any circumstance, suit me.
I refuse to have a marriage based on paper, where instead of a perfect little baby sleeping softly in my husbands arms, a lawer adorns my marriage.

Is this really too much to ask?
A happy marriage?
A beautiful baby?
A successful marriage?
I will work on it.
I'll work every single day.
I'll never stop.
But I will not go into a situation with the knowledge that it is bound to fail.
That is not an option.
That's simply heartbreak.


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